For the love of all gods tweak your scene's lights and exposure values!

Discussion not ended. :slight_smile: Debate away!

Thatā€™s not ambient occlusion. Ambient occlusion - Wikipedia

Boosting shadows is a gross approximation of occlusion, and highlights have nothing to do with occlusion (its in the nameā€¦occluded light).

And if I can do it in post, why would I spend extra computer power on it in the render?

Iray does global illumination, which you might notice from the article on ambient occlusion, is superior to most approaches to ambient occlusion.

Regardless, my whole point is there are many ways to skin this cat. Use whatever tool does the job most efficiently for you and gives you the result you want.

AO in 3D exists for the sole reason that is brightening dark areas/shadowsā€¦ Do you even do 3D renders?

I give up on this. I canā€™t win, obviously. Instead I will create a new topic in the Blender Subforum, demonstrating AO in interior scenes - For comparison between Iray and Cycles.

" The result is a diffuse, non-directional shading effect that casts no clear shadows but that darkens enclosed and sheltered areas and can affect the rendered imageā€™s overall tone. It is often used as a post-processing effect."

That darkens enclosed and sheltered areas ā€¦Its right in the name.

Maybe you mean something elseā€¦Because you donā€™t mean Ambient Occlusion.


Iā€™ve added EV to my tweaks, something I evangelized way back in the day before every single light that came out of Utah was cranked up to a million.

Takes a bit more time to bring everything in line, but againā€¦ with Light Manager Pro, everything is right in front of you, including EV.

Iā€™m liking the results.

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